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Brussels Sprouts and Goat Cheese Frittat

You know I love breakfast. I love both sweet and savory breakfast. Do you prefer to have something sweet or something savory in the morning? If you are a savory breakfast fan, frittatas are perfect!!This frittata is packed with my favorite ingredients; brussels sprouts, onions, parmesan and goat cheese. It must be a quick gourmet breakfast option! Enjoy!

休日の朝ごはん、目玉焼き?スクランブルエッグ?卵料理に迷ったら、旬の野菜をたっぷり使ったヘルシーなフリッタータを作ってみては?今回紹介するのは、芽キャベツの程よい苦味とゴートチーズの酸味が絶妙にマッチした春らしいフリッタータのレシピです。朝食、ブランチや前菜にぴったりのフリッタータはスキレットで作ってそのままサーブしてOK! 美味しいはもちろんの事、”おしゃれでテンションが上がる”ということも食事にはとても重要だと思います。とっても簡単に作れるので是非週末に作ってみてくださいね♩


Brussels Sprouts and Goat Cheese Frittat


8 brussels sprouts, cut in halves

3 eggs

3tbsp milk

3tbsp parmesan cheese

salt and pepper

1tsp olive oil

1/4 yellow onion, sliced

50g goat cheese, crumbled

Radish sprouts, for garnish


1.Preheat oven to 200℃.

2.Bring a pot of salted water to the boil, add the brussels sprouts boil for about 2 minutes.

3.In a bowl, whisk together the eggs and milk until smooth. Season with salt and pepper. Add the parmesan and stir once. Set aside.

4.Heat olive oil in skillet over medium-high heat, add onion and brussels sprouts, and sauce until they are soft. Season with salt and pepper.

5.Pour the egg mixture over the vegetables, and dot goat cheese. Cook for about 1 minute, until the edges start to set.

6.Place the skillet in to the oven and bake until golden and set, about 10 minutes.

7.Sprinkle with radish sprouts, and cut into wedges and serve immediately. Enjoy!



芽キャベツ  8~10こ

卵  3こ

牛乳  大さじ3

パルメザンチーズ  大さじ3


オリーブオイル  大さじ1

玉ねぎ  1/4こ(スライス)

ゴートチーズ  50g











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