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Where I Ate in Hong Kong

One of the best things about Hong Kong is that there are plenty of fantastic restaurants there. If you are a foodie, Hong Kong is your paradise. Here's a list of what to eat and where to eat when visiting Hong Kong. I hope my food guide will be of some help to you guys! Enjoy!

グルメの街、香港。ご多分にもれず 今回も食い倒れの旅になってしまいました。香港に来たからには外せない点心の店やローカルフード、そして今話題の最新スポットやおしゃれなカフェまで、ほんの一部ですがまとめてみました!フーディーなら満足すること間違い無し、美食の街香港、ぜひ訪れてみてください!



Dimdimsum Dim Sum Specialty Store

If you look for inexpensive and nice dim sum restaurant, I highly recommend this Dimdimsum Dim Sum Specialty Store. You can enjoy traditional dim sum, as well as modern style dim sum. It's the perfect spot to grab some delicious dim sum at great reasonable prices.

安くて美味しい点心を気軽に楽しむなら、點點心點心專門店Dimdimsum Dim Sum Specialty Store がオススメ。定番の点心から変わり種まで、幅広く楽しめるラインナップ。英語、日本語、韓国語のメニューもあるので広東語がわからなくても安心して注文できます!地元客と観光客でいつも混み合っていますが、深夜まで点心をリーズナブルな価格で堪能できます!


They have two branches, YUM CHA in Central and in Tsim Sha Tsui. This restaurant is especially popular for its so so adorable and photogenic dim sum as you see. These piggy BBQ buns and hot custard buns captured my heart and were too cute to eat. Don't forget to take photos and share on Instagram!

今、香港の若者の間で人気なのはビジュアル系点心。ここ、YUM CHAは2015年のオープン以来、思わず写真に撮ってシェアしたくなるような点心の数々でSNS世代の心を掴んできました。店内もモダンでスタイリッシュ、インテリアにも工夫がみられます。ついついその可愛らしいビジュアルばかりが話題になりますが、味も本格的◎ 独創的でバリエーションに富んだ新しい飲茶を楽しむことができます!

LoYe Dim Sum

Located in Wan Chai, LoYe Dim Sum offers Chinese fusion cuisine and you can enjoy both traditional and modern dim sum. The restaurant decor is really nice and stuffs are friendly. They also have a good alcohol menu so you can enjoy tasty dim sum with craft beers and wine.

湾仔にあるおしゃれな点心レストラン。メニューは伝統的な点心に加え、創作点心の種類も豊富で味も見た目も楽しませてくれること間違いなし!店内もカラフルなテーブルが並べられ、インテリアも食器もモダン中華風でとってもおしゃれ。また、 お酒を置いていないお店も多い香港の中で、ビールやワインなどアルコール類が充実しているのも嬉しいポイント!



I fund this place on Instagram and decided to go. MIDO CAFE is one of the oldest cafes in Hong Kong. We enjoyed pineapple buns and Hong Kong-style french toast with yuanyang tea ( Hong Kong-style coffee and milk tea ) for breakfast. Its interior is the nostalgic feel so make you feel as if you were back in the 1950's.

香港のレトロカフェとして有名な美都餐室 (MIDO CAFE) 。数々の映画のロケ地として使われるほど有名な香港式喫茶店です。なんともノスタルジックな雰囲気を醸し出す店内で、忙しい大都会香港の喧騒から離れてゆったりとした時間を過ごせば、まるで1950年代にタイムスリップした気分に。


Coffee is a must have whenever I go on a trip. If you want a great cup of coffee and a western brunch when in Hong Kong, I definitely recommended The Cupping Room. They serve high-quality coffee and it's an all-round great place for breakfast, brunch or just a coffee.

イギリス文化が色濃く残る香港は紅茶というイメージが強いのでは?日本でも未だ冷めないコーヒーブームの波は香港にもやってきています。そんな香港のコーヒーシーンを牽引するショップの一つ、The Cupping Room はバリスタ競技会世界第2位のバリスタがオーナーを務め、香港に4店舗、オーストラリアに1店舗を展開しています。町歩きに疲れたらカジュアルな店内で美味しいコーヒーで一休みしてみては?


Located Sheug wang, Teakha is a very small, lovely and cosy tea house. They have a great selection of teas and milk teas .They have outside seats. In the shade it is great to chill, read a book and have a chat with others. A precious gem in busy city.


Urban Coffee Roaster

Urban Coffee Roaster is Just around the corner from the TST MTR exit. They use their own roasted single origin coffee beans in espresso based and filter coffees. They also have a great selection of meals and desserts. If you look for some local coffee shop around TST, you should go.

尖沙咀周辺では珍しいローカルカフェ、Urban Coffee Roaster。自家焙煎のシングルオリジンのコーヒーを提供すしています。食事メニューも充実しているのでカフェ利用だけでなく、ブランチやランチにもぴったり!


Mak's Noodle

Mak's Noodle is famous for wanton noodles and the best place for haveing authentic them in Hong Kong. Noodle is so thin and chewy, and wanton filled with fresh shrimp pieces. Not big size but it is satisfying.

香港で本場のワンタン麺を楽しむならここ、Mak's Noodle麥奀雲吞麵世家がオススメ。一番人気はもちろんエビワンタン麺。細くコシのあるたまご麺と透き通ったスープ、ぷりぷり食感のエビワンタンは一度食べたら病みつきになること間違い無し!

Yet Lok Restaurant

Roast Goose is a must eat in Hong Kong. Yet Lok restaurant was given one star by Michelin. It's probably one of the cheapest Michelin star restaurants. The meat is juicy, tender and skin is crispy. So delicious!


Tai Cheong Bakery

Thai Cheong Bakery is the most popular place for its egg tart. The crust is buttery and little bit salty, and custard has a good egg taste. Buy the tarts and eat them there while they are still hot!



I ate very well and had a good time in Hong Kong, If you have any recommendation of restaurant or cafe in Hong Kong, please let me know, leaving a comment below!



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