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Broccoli Anchovy Pesto Gluten-Free Fettuccine

Todays recipe is this gorgeously green gluten free fettuccine in a homemade broccoli pesto. Broccoli is one of my favorite vegetables, so this dish totally hit the spot! It's healthy, tasty and ready in just 20 minutes, so great for weeknight dinners!  

If you like this blog post or try this recipe, please let me know, leaving a comment below! I love hearing your feedback!

 今回紹介するレシピはグルテンフリーのフェットチーネに自家製ブロッコリーペストソースを絡ませたヘルシーなパスタです!私の大好きな栄養満点のブロッコリーをふんだんに使ったペストソースはアンチョビの塩気と旨味も加わり、色鮮やかで風味豊か。簡単に作れるのにおしゃれに見える!(⇦ココが一番重要!)ブロッコリーペストフェットチーネぜひ作ってみてください。今回の記事が気に入った、または作ってみたよ!という方、よかったらぜひコメントしてください ^^ ❤︎

Pesto is so easy to make. All you need is a food processor, throw every ingredients in there and blend until the pesto is smooth. The broccoli pesto is a nice combination of tender broccoli, basil, anchovy, garlic, parmesan cheese and olive oil. You can easily make your tasty broccoli pesto at home!! This pesto also makes a great pizza or sandwich spread!


You can serve this any time of pasta, but I prefer fettuccine. I used this fresh fettuccine made from brown rice. Yes, it's actually gluten free!! I' m not a gluten free and I love pasta so much, but this totally satisfy my appetite.



Broccoli Anchovy Pesto Gluten-Free Fettuccine serves:2


For Pesto

1 head of broccoli, cut into florets

10 fresh basil leaves

4 anchovy filets

2 garlic cloves

1/2 cup parmesan, grated

3tbsp olive oil

1tsp salt

Black pepper

200g your favorite gluten free pasta


1.Bring a pot of salted water to the boil, add the broccoli, boil for about 3-4 minutes, drain and set aside.

2.Add all pesto ingredients in a food processor, blend until smooth.

3.Meanwhile, In a large pot, bring salted water to the boil. Add pasta to boiling water and cook according to package directions to al dente.

4.Drain the pasta, return it to the pan, add broccoli pesto and toss to coat over low heat.

5. Serve with additional parmesan cheese and basil leaves. Enjoy!


•材料 ( 2人前)

●ブロッコリー 1株

●バジルの葉  10枚

●アンチョビ  4切れ

●にんにく  2かけ

●パルメザンチーズ  50g

●オリーブオイル  大さじ3

●塩  小さじ1


お好きなグルテンフリーパスタ  200g

( もちろん、普通のパスタでも!)










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